Evelyn Paul Collection



Evelyn Paul (1883-1963) was an English artist associated with the Golden Age of Illustration. She is, perhaps, best known for her work as an illuminator.


The Evelyn Paul Collection at Spirit of the Ages includes art images from some of her seminal work. As a valuable reference resource, options are also provided for purchasing a range of gifts, including reproduction prints, posters and greeting cards.


Paul illustrations - often accompanying her illuminations - were influenced by a variety of styles including Gothic Revival, Art Nouveau and Arts and Crafts. Among individual artists that may have provided significant influence to her style is the noted the Pre-Raphaelite, Dante Gabriel Rossetti.


Her most famous work appeared in titles including Stories from Dante, The Romance

of Tristram of Lyones and La beale Isoude, Dante's La Vita Nuova, Aucassin & Nicolete and Clair de Lune and Other Troubadour Romances.


Above, we show a vintage

photograph of Evelyn Paul


We invite you to take the time to peruse the wonderful artwork from Evelyn Paul that is included in the Collection - to

view images from any one of the suites listed below, simply 'click' on the hyperlinks embedded within the titles and the




Stories from Dante

More than 15 images

The Romance of Tristram of Lyones and la beale Isoude

More than 10 images

La Vita Nuova

More than 15 images

Aucassin & Nicolete

More than 10 images





Clair de Lune and Other Troubadour Romances

More than 10 images